The Institute for Nonviolence Chicago is grateful to have a team made up of individuals who don’t just do the work—they care deeply about Chicago and the epidemic of violence in our city. Most of our staff members started fighting against violence long before they joined Nonviolence Chicago, and they bring a wide variety of education, experience, and expertise to the underrepresented neighborhoods where we work.

Johnny Berryman
Director of Data & Tech Operations

Kelly Carroll
Associate Director of Behavioral Health & Wellness

Shunda Collins
Vice President of Development & Communications

Nekenya Hardy
Associate Director of Outreach and Intervention

Les Jenkins
Associate Director of Reentry & Support Services

Shay Knox
Outreach Supervisor, Back of the Yards

Bryant Robertson
Manager of Programs

Michelle Velazquez
SC2 Project Manager

Maurice Williams
Outreach Supervisor, Austin

Carribeon Brown
Victim Services Supervisor, Back of the Yards

Samuel Castro
Director of Strategic Initiatives & Partnerships

Marcus Floyd
Workforce Development Supervisor

Tavares Harrington
Outreach Supervisor, Austin

Tommie Jenkins
READI Chicago Supervisor, Austin

Sebastian Moura
Deputy Director of Grants Managements

Frederick Seaton
Outreach Supervisor, West Garfield Park

Jordan Whealdon
Behavioral Health & Wellness Supervisor

Artimmeo Williamson
Reentry Supervisor

Travaris Brown
Outreach Supervisor, Austin

Jeremy Clay
Victim Services Supervisor, Austin

Teny Gross
Chief Executive Officer

Latasha Henry
Case Management Supervisor

Marlena Jentz
Vice President of Operations and Strategic Partnerships

Brian Ng
Chief Financial Officer

Lisa Stephens
President & Chief Operating Officer

Birgetta Williams
Director of Human Resources